martes, noviembre 23, 2004

MoOn GodDeSs

A heavenly entity...

Could she can be for a mortal??
how in the earth can be someone with the force to reach and achieve the hearth of a goddess??

I can't answer that question and less in this case, coz Im not talking of a common goddess im talking about the Moon Goddess, the most proud one, the one with the frozen heart but inside she have the most demonic heat that ever existed, the most letal one, but at the same time, the most interesting, beauty and incredible of all...
maybe is not for real, maybe just an illusion... a mirage... but thats impossible coz I know her well...

The history of his life...
always waiting for the heroic one that comes and took her out of her prision, and she is waiting for the perfect one... knowing that his prince don't exist... but hopping that someday he arrives... she already has have a lot of oportunities but his hearth is cold, she dont give herself the oportunity for love...
and in that way has pased many years and a lot of people come and go and she always is alone...
many has tried to teach her the meaning of love but she ends in put away all of they and with all of these failures, she ends with her sensibility and now shes a cold one more cold than ever before.
I can know that coz Im live along her a lot of years and see about what I talk and in the same way I pray for her, I pray for one to give back the shine that some day she have and she lost in these time...