domingo, julio 27, 2008

Last light Remains

Once upon a time, the smelly and rotten land of shadowmoor was not like now; Few creatures, only the most wise and old of all, remember their true form and real aspect, they resembles with anger, sadness, and hopeless that one day where no shadowmoor, where just the sunny land and beatiful horizonts of Lorwyn...

From that days no one remains who knows what really happens, Some creatures like the Queen Onna, or one of the cruelty demigods may have an idea of the disaster that means the arrive of the anoying aurora...

The great aurora, capable of make anything the total oposite of their more deep escense...

But that was an unfair destiny for the inhabitants of Lorwyn, the greaters rulers of the planes and the beings capables of change between dimensions or time, did not a thing, the five planes walkers just let that destiny to happend...

But was there a reason...

One simple creature with not much expectatives of...

have a fate to reach...

and he even not know it...

Just time will say what happens...

Cycle of Lorwyn My Vision of things... here it begins.