martes, marzo 08, 2005

The Leyend Of The Full Moon

Chapter I: The White being

Once upon a time in a vast and prosperous land in the reing of Ivalis there were three warriors one proud, valiant, bold like a paladin of the east kingdom. The other one big as a mountain and with a great heart and the temple of a barbarian of harrogat, and the last one specialist in the power of Word with the capability of disturb the most centralized mind the siege powers of a blind faith capable of the most astonishing effects like a proper Black wizard.
These warriors in this Mystical land full of incredibles places, inverted waterfalls, fairy woods, the black label frontier, the edge mist of the Nidja Wood, the plateau of desolation, the valley of the wisdom dragon, a lot of places thats not the point to describe in this story...
This tale was forgotten a long time ago, and Im going to describe you the way of these three warriors and how it happend to become one path in common for them...
Our strong paladin was in the cave of the Crystal Dragon fighting for found and obtain the white elixir of mages, all was perfect, the battle was hard but at the end the paladin was victorious, the crystal dragon has fell, and in the pedestal behind was the appraised elixir, just in the moment when the paladin was going to take the bottle of the elixir, a shining light came for the entrance of the cave, our warrior stop and turn around searching for the source of the light, but he cant saw nothing... the light was too intense, he couldn´t see anything... this light start to shine more and more and in a few seconds the shine illuminated the entire cave, and a form, a white being, hard to identify, come for the shine, and put the paladin in an anexity state, he couldn´t move even a single finger, trying hard to move, with the cast of a shield aura, with a haste aura, with a protector spirit all if this was useless... he stops totally, just sawing this white being, he felt like all of his valor, all of the pride, has gone… he felt defenseless, scared... just the image of these eyes… the white being eyes… put him down in knees. These image, these white being was, since these moment, an unforgettable thing for the spirit of the warrior, he close his eyes, start to pray... and in a moment all was gone, he was in the floor still in knees, and the white being has gone, dissapeared of the place no shine no light was in the cave. But this thing dont take anything of the place, the elixir stills in the pedestal, all of the others treasures was intact, just one thing has changed in the entire cave, a mark, an unexplicable mark was in the wall, it make no sense to the paladin, dont have any meaning for him, these mark was never saw by him until these day… but these mark, when the warrior touched it... something rush him in his soul, like a sentiment, like a eternity sadness crossed his entire soul... and then the vision of the paladin has changed for the rest of his life now he had a new course, a new goal... to understand and search for the white being, to discover the meaning of these day in his life wich change him for the rest of the time... a course that is more and better defined like a curse, a curse that can be the most incredible and worth one or the worst of all...