lunes, abril 04, 2005

The Leyend Of The Full Moon

Chapter IV: A Long Travel

That night was to dark, the barbarians remaining in the village was worried about Orfeo and his secret walk to the Mortar lands, they wanted to follow Orfeo but in the moment that they come closer to the ruins lights and spirits blocks the way in, and they had to fight them, they heared all the battle between Orfeo and Beazel From outside, and they can’t enter the place coz it was blocked with a magical sigil, and then when Beazel flee of the place they enter and they found Orfeo bad wounded and weak, he was near unconscious and took he back to the encampment in the village, when Orfeo wake up all of his liuternants was there, wathching he rare, Orfeo ask :”why are you seeing me that way??” the captain answered: “Orfeo you was dreaming and when you was sleep you talk about a mark, and about Celesty and a paladin called Astaroth” was in that momment when Orfeo remember all the fight with Beazel and the miraclous action of the paladin for save he of the black wind, and now he knows that he had the mark of Celesty inside... and it burns, different type of mark was the one in Orfeo than the one that Astaroth had, that was a Fact, Orfeo was decided to search the paladin, Astaroth promise if Orfeo helps he to come back to Ivalis then Astaroth help to destroy Beazel, Orfeo Took 5 of his men and go back to Arrogath to explain the situation to the sacred council of defenders, the order that reing the barbarians, this council was formed a lot of years ago after the war between Ivalis and Algammon come to and end, and the sacred defenders are spirits that resides in great warriors, the spirits are the same all the time just the warriors changes along the time pass, when Orfeo arrives to Arrogath a strange guardian was waiting in the gates of the fortress, it was a very strange warrior, coz his armor had different races parts, the shine and sharpness of the paladins mythril, the magic bands of the suit of barbarians, the myth jewels of dwarfs, and a hat and cap of night elves, he was standing in the gates and when Orfeo get close, the warrior spoke to him : “greetings bleseed warrior, my name is Shadowsong, and I come here for you, the council awaits you, follow me” the gates open and when they enter Arrogath something was wrong, a lot of this warriors was around the city, and Arrogath is dinstinged for be and unvisitable place in Ivalis, Orfeo silently takes her sword out and his soilders did that to, then Shadowsong said: “hey we dont want trouble, we are here coz is necessary these are bad times, and the order of Sacred holly warriors needs to be called again...” that words confused Orfeo and he asked: “ order of sacred hollys?? What is that??” Shadowsong said: “in old times this earth unite all the races with a common objetive, peace, that was the times of Ivalis who was the creator of this Sacred Holly order” Orfeo didn’t trust the words of the warrior coz that order was never saied and mentioned, and said: “you lie warrior, I never hear about that order” Shadowsong said: “you never heard about it coz is a secret council, no one knows about just the leaders of the different races know it, and with these harsh events its priority to move quick to stop Beazel, you are called coz you fought he and still alive, and more important is coz you have a message of Celesty, she talked to your heart didn’t she?? The hollys need to know what she said, and then we will have clues to defeat Beazel” Orfeo was impressed for all the warrior knows about the situation, now Orfeo trust in Shadowsong, then he followed to the place of the council inside the temple of Kel’thas, this place is white, made of white gold, few can enter here, Orfeo was the first to enter Kel’thas temple in 600 years... in this place you can see the spirits of the original council, its a incredible bleesing to enter here, and the place inside is magical, purity can be smelled, the passage was full of light wisps, all the operations of Arrogath were planned here, and saied to the outside guiders of the town, when they arrived to a great hall, a big table appeared and there all of the sacred spirits was sit, but the table had 15 places, and Only five was used in time, a voice spoke to all: “soon they are going to arrive, soon too soon” Orfeo didn’t said anything he was to impressed for talk a word, Shadowsong and Orfeo were stand in the entrance of the great hall, just the spirits were sit down, then a commander enter in the great hall anouncing the arriving of the Holly order, the warrior said: “they arrived council members” the voice of one of the spirits spoke: “thanks commander, put the security at highest level, all the Wardens at high alert” now Orfeo knows the identy of this misterious warriors, they were Wardens, Shadowsong and the commander went out of the temple, and then Orfeo was freezed, ten purity beings enter the great hall, all with hat and cap, but the light that they despides were to white a ever saw white, they took a place in the table, and then Orfeo was called in, Calfax the most wise spirit of the barbarian order spoke to Orfeo: “my warrior now you can open your heart to us for see what work was encommended to you, you are in presence of the Holly order, they are to worried about what Beazel was triying to do at Mortar lands, the simple idea of a portal to conect the dimension between this word and the mortars dimension is to insane, but Beazel has the power to do it and the insanity too, just help us to know about his plans” Orfeo was confused, coz the only thing that he know is what Celesty said to he, and the strange voice that saved him with the aura, and respond to the council and the order: “I only know how Beazel accquired the moon power and how he destroy a paladin called Astaroth, thats all Celesty shows me” then one of the Hollys talked to Orfeo: “just relax and calm down, im going to see your soul” a mist envolves Orfeo and he senses something warm, and in a moment he heared the Hollys voice again: “thats all that we need, thanks Orfeo”, the council and the Holly order seemed to know all, and ambient of silly fear was denoted by Orfeo, a lot of wispers can be heared there, and he asked: “sorry but I denote that all of you are worring about something, what is??” all of the council and Hollys started to spoke each other, and differents opinions were made: “lets tell he, he can help us, no is too dangerous for a barbarian a task of this mannitude, he need to know thanks to he we know all now, no its not possible, its possible he can fight Beazel and survived and he hurt he a lot is not a weak warrior, but he have weakness and are to fragile ones, come on lets tell he, at last it was a wish of Astaroth that he will be the one that command the travel in his search” and they were discussing about and continue spoken: “it was the wish of Astaroth but now he is the most powerful weapon we have to combat Beazel, we can’t let Orfeo in charge of this vital mission, we had selected the most great wardens to do the task, and our aprentice of Holly, the warden Typhis-ahn is in charge, we are not going to found such a leader of his category, his near to become Holly” then in middle of the discussion the Holly sited in the center of the table, that misteriously pass all the time silenced, get up of his chair and all of the rest in the great hall stoped, silence, slowly take off his hat and... Ivalis appeared! The most greatest Holly of all the time at last decided to dictamine something: “the mission will be in charge of Typhis-ahn, its all Orfeo go back to your place, and if we need your help we surely talk to you, until then, rest warrior go and rest” and again put his hat and sit down, no discussion remained, then with these words the council called for the presence of Typhis-ahn and a warden to guide Orfeo out, the warden arrives and telled Orfeo to follow he, Orfeo thanks the council and the Holly order and leave the place, in the way out he saw a imponent warrior coming in, presumably Typhis-ahn, he saw Orfeo and smile friendly, then Orfeo go out of the temple, and went to his place, that night he can’t slept well, just thinking about all he heard in the temple, about the mission, about Astaroth, about Beazel, and think more coz this problem about the stealth of the power of moon was too big now, all started with a insane wizard tirsty of power and now is a great danger for all Ivalis, the next morning at sunrise time, the legion of wardens leaved Arrogath, the Holly order had gone, and the wardens are returning to the misty woods of the southern frontier, but one special group of wardens took other direction, the docks fo Arrogath... commanded by Typhis-ahn, this group of warriors planned to star the travel in search of Astaroth, but this is too strange, Astaroth felt in battle against Beazel, was supoussed dead, but they were starting a travel searching he, weren’t they?? Orfeo remembered about what the order said: “was Astaroth wish... Orfeo command his search” all of this was a confusing situation.
Meanwhile Beazel was preparing the way he was going to move against the new events, now Beazel knows about the barbarians and all of their powers, he was healing his wounds of the battle, thinking that he was taking the things to laxe, his objetive is to domain all Ivalis and all the life forms here, but if he wants to do that, he need asistance, the mortars were the most logical option, but now he had all Ivalis opositing his plans, Beazel knowed if he want to achieve power he needed to move quick, and he did, who were the unique force in Ivalis that was not against he??, the mercenaries of the swamps out of the soils of Ivalis, those exiled ones are the bad parts of all races, exiled for theirs sins, confined to death at the harsh places out of Ivalis, Beazel wanted to create a distraction, for put the eyes of the Hollys order far of the Mortar lands, for can cast the gate which could take back the mortars there in Ivalis.
The days were passing, the group of wardens without luck couldn’t founded any clue of the place were Astartoh where, and now Beazel was in search for the marcenaries, he went to the rotten swamps of Death Citadel, when he arrived he was recived with good look, Lightstalker, the king of exile ones, was agreed with Beazel and prepared 3 groups of warriors, mages, archers, wizards, a conjuntion of badness were again in Ivalis, but now Beazel is more prepared for any unexpected events, he was using the 100% of the moon power, the red moon shined with more intensity than ever, one of the marcenaries legions Sieged the town of Khit the entrance of the East Kingdom the place of paladins, the battle explodes and at the same time another group sieged the town of Gytheras at the west, the elves comes to handle the enemy and another battle started, the Holly order was confused, and they can’t saw all at same time, but another group the most dangerous one, in charge of Beazel, was stroking the capital of Ivalis!! the city of Manadar was in fire! Three battles at the same time, that darks forces were mading well the trick, for defend the capital city the Holly order sent the legion of wardens at charge of Typhis-ahn, they arrived in no time, those warriors fought incredibly! One warden can handle himself five mercenaries at time, but more and more warriors arrived, all the places fireds were in deep battle, barbarians toke part in battle and decides to defend Gytheras, Orfeo was sent to these place, their legion went and start to battle, the fight extenden for five days, the mercenary forces were dimished near to be defeated, but that was the perfect trick, all were specting the battle, the Holly order sawing the capital city, Gytheras and Khit, but all of they carelessness a place... a very important place, Mortar kingdom, Beazel was forgotten few time, grievous mistake... back then in the Manadar the wardens won the battle all the mercenaries were defeated, but a dark cloud comes at the most quicker speed ever seeing, since the north Horizon the cloud comes, too late, again is too late, smells like a storm, in Manadar the sky darkned and then the horror, Beazel arrives and shot a red ray to a warden, he destroyed him with just a ray, the wardens regroup and prepared to battle, Typhis-ahn trusting his habilities of Holly directly atacked Beazel, but a Dark figure appears just back Beazel, Beazel not even move for the coming of Typhis-ahn, and in the momment when all thinked that Beazel was going to be striked by Typhhis-ahn a dark sword, surrounded of black orbs, cut he in two... in that momment all the eyes return to Manadar, he was back, Algammon had returned!! Now he was helping Beazel, the mortars were back in Ivalis, that day Manadar felt, the capital of Ivalis was in control of Beazel and the mortars, desperation in all Ivalis, the mercenaries were just a trick, a strategy for confuse everyone, and give time to Beazel to call back the mortars, now all the forces were weak, paladins, elvens, barbarians, wardens, a lot of them were dead in battle, and in all Ivalis was no force enought to confront Algammon and the mortars, the magic couriers started to work hard, a lot of news were coming all the time, all kingdoms were fearing the returing of Algammon, and back in Arrogath another sesion of Hollys and the sacred council was summoned, the discussion started, Calfax said: “is not possible!! How we could let this happend? You Hollys are suppoused to look at mortars! Your wardens were in charge of that” all the Hollys and sacreds were discussing the matter, but one voice maded all silence, Ivalis talked: “shut up all!! stop discussing!! Its done the Algammon are back now important is to stop them, we need imperatly to found Astaroth, he is the only now, its time to request the presence of Orfeo” All were impresed of the request of Ivalis, he wanted the presence of Orfeo, he was trusting this warrior for command the mos vital mission in Ivalis, Found Astaroth, The legion of Orfeo was battling at Gytheras, quicked a patrol of eagles come to that city, they were bad recived, confusing them with the enemy the defenses of the city started attacking them, a funny situation after all, when all the confusion resolved, a warden went and talked with Orfeo the warden said: “Ivalis is requesting your presence at Temple Kel’thas” Orfeo responds: “I was specting that, I know this would happend, I dreamed the death of Typhis-ahn, now I know why Ivalis is asking for me” they returned to Arrogath in no time, the eagles were the most quick transport those times, then in the temple, the council was explaining the mission to Orfeo, and put to his command 10 wardens and 5 barbarians of the selection of Orfeo, this army was the last hope of Ivalis, when they retired to start the search, a urgent magic courier appeared, the news said: “Beazel and Algammon are walking toward Ballador, the capital city of the elven warriors region and the entrance of the elven reing, an army conformed of mercenaries and mortars plans to strike the city, at velocity of mortar, they will arrive to Ballador in 7 days” that new complicated the situation, it was not possible to found Astaroth in less than 3 days, that same day a call of all races was made, the forces of Ivalis needed to conform an army capable of stop the mortars and give time to Orfeo for found Astaroth, a march of all the races ocurred, in few hours the outsides of Arrogath were full of warriors of all races, and incredibly the dwarfs made apparence!! They arrived together with te most strange race of all, the water elves, an army of night, warrior, water, forest, wizard elves, barbarians, paladins, wizard humans, and warrior and chemical dwarfs arrived to the call, that was the fisrt time that all the races joined since the battle against Algammon in the old times, the army went to Ballador for defending the city of mortars, they needed to use chimeras, eagles, dragons and leviatans to transport them quicker than the mortars, meanwhile Orfeo was toward the docks of Delurian a place at the west of Ivalis, the mark of Celesty started to resounding more loud and the only how can hear the sound was Orfeo, when they arrived to Delurian a weak wisper was heared by Orfeo, the wisper said: “near the edge of world” then the Celesty mark resound loud, Orfeo quick asked for a ship, a terrieme, but one of the wardens spoke to he, the warden said: “captain, what are you planning?, these waters are dangerous, the most dangerous of Ivalis, nobody enter the misty waters and return alive, leyends says that there in the insides of the waters, an island lie, a terribly place, the Nerothos lair, a Demon at the level of Bahamuth and Ultima, and the tales says that in there are the spirits of this demons too, a demonic place only for the most terribly monsters” Orfeo laught and said: “well if this place is a place of monsters, maybe we are going to find Astaroth there, If he is the last hope of Ivalis and the one with the power of destroy Beazel and Algammon, he surely is a monster without a doubt” Orfeo and his warriors started the sail to the misty waters of Delurian, a magic courier arrived before they sail, the news said: “the mortars are going to arrive soon than expected, tomorrow morning the will arrive to Ballador”.What a situation our hero now had less time to found the las hope of Ivalis, and a bloody battle are near, the sunrise is the sign of the start of a epic war and this war will mark Ivalis and his future, what kind of surprises are going to occur? Could it be possible for Orfeo to have sucess?? Maybe this is just the beggining of the story...