sábado, junio 11, 2005

Status Bar

Releasing the lock...

And Hopping that anyone pay atention to this status bar lets say a few important things... thanks to you, If your read this you are gonna now that this is for you, you show me what is the meaning of 'human quality' you show me how big a feeling can be, and Im apologized for all the things I do and say, Im searching that you forgive me, and let me be close to you like before, I like to be with you I really would like to be with you, to live a lot of experiences besides you, its hard I now, maybe imposible... coz I already make a lot of damage to our relation the friendship we have its hurt deeply hurt but Im gonna put my entire heart and soul to fix it believe me Im gonna change for you, for the future, for the time that is now lose, the time can't stop I know it well but I can run as fast as I can to reach the time, those minutes, those hours... in the past I remember that I said you: 'you apeared in the most criticals moments in my life and incredibly you always, your face and smile, always show me the right path to follow, I imagine, if you where there with me, I imagine what you could say, and knowing that you only say right things I obviously do what you say... coz I know that its absolutly right and true' its hard to say but for a short period of time you dissapeared of my mind I feel alone without you, and starts to sense cold too cold, and all the time that you were far of me I miss you like you don't have an idea, I never what that to pass again. Maybe Im gonna finish this in a post but for now I only can say, sorry really sorry Im stupid sometimes and well I only want you to forgive me please...

Time to finish this, time to get an end to this, ready for write like no other time, ready for say all I want to say, here I am, a log time has passed a lot of things changed, but incredibly you still burning me inside, you fell inside me like a blue fire cooling burning me deeply and hardly, you move my entire word in any aspect, you can change a entire mind with just a smile, you afect my friends and you know it but you dont say anything, and well our lives are now far of each other, we leave the knowledgment between us, but im gonna fight, openly, directly and sincerely, girl I need you, I really need you, like you dont ever imagine, I have something now but its vanishing at quick speed, what I have now is dissapearing and it hurts I really want this to move forward but it isnt moved a bit, and in a big part of this the reason is you, is your image, is your smile, your eyes, yousr simple voice, you never leave me you still inside too inside, now I think why to write all of this here, here were you dont read this now, and you will never read this, but well I just like to write all what I feel, A place for write about my true feelings at last...