martes, marzo 15, 2005

The Leyend Of The Full Moon

Chapter II: The Black Wizard

Three months has passed since the incident in the cave of the Crystal Dragon, our warrior is searching tireless for the white being, he’s moving across the entire extensión of Ivalis, starting in the Mortar kingdom to the Zyru River of Night elves, asking for clues just hopping for found real information of this being, now he arrives to Grimore Valley the most Magical place in Ivalis, coz’ is here where all of the most powerfulls and incredibles wizards are, blue, red, white, time, black wizards come here to learn more about magic facts, and charge theirs spirits with the mysterious energy that flow in this place, Grimore Valley is famous for this mysterious flow, a leyend tells about the story of this sacred place, it supouse that in this soil, are the rest of all of the ancients spirits and summons, that reing Ivalis in the old ages... this valley was the place for the last battle between Bahamut and the Ultima demon, an it marks the end of the dark age in Ivalis, they kill each other and the old age reing come to an end.
Well returning to our main story, our warrior was asking for information of the white being, and curiously here was the first place when he ask and the people appears to know about what he was searching for, a lot of different reactions cause the question, some look at the paladin with fear, others more laught of he, anothers ones gets angry and ask he for leave the place, that puts a smile in our warrior at last a place when he was going to found answers, hard to make a wizard to answer, he knows that, and well with a less of luck, he maybe can make a wizard talk, but how was he surprise when a soft voice come of a dark corner... the voice speaks to the mind of the paladin and says “You are searching for something that I know about well... come and lets talk about it” inmediatly the paladin go to the corner and a Black wizard was there, he saw the paladin and with a mysterious way the wizard smiles to he. Then the paladin ask “you know about the white being?” the black wizard just afirmed with a grimace, and our warrior says “tell me about, and how I can found it” but in these moment something strange ocurrs, the paladin was protected with an aura that neutralizes all of the mindspells and others posible mind manipullation spells, and when someone try to cast one over the paladin, a negative energy flow get spelled for the source of the spell, then the black wizard not knowing about, was desecreted and puts to the floor involved in this negative energy, the paladin gets angry and get up the wizard “you!! You stupid wizard!! What was you trying?? You want manipullate me? Tell me what you want of my mind!!” this time the wizard speaks and he says “I dont want to manipulate you I just was trying to know your meet with the white being, its just incredible that you meet her and just a mark was made... thats why I was curious about, anyone that meet she was capable of reinstate of the experience” thats words colded our warrior... in these moment he remembered the moment in the cave he revived the experience, and gets more alterated when he thinks about what the wizard said and he ask “her!? You say her??” the wizard says “get me out of this energy and Im going to tell you all I know” the paladin stops the aura until the wizard was off of it, that was a terrible mistake... and the paladin say “you are ok now start to talk” just with the deactivation of the aura for a few seconds, was time enought for the wizard to cast a walled spell that the paladin dont persive... the paladin say again “come one wizard start to talk!!” now with the spell of the wizard in the paladin, all starts... the treachery...
The wizard talk at last “you had a meeting with the white being, thats how you name her dont you?? But its not a being... she is the most preciated treasure of the moon, shes proud, cold, but with a heat heart inside, no one never saw her in her real form, no one couldnt speak with her without get insane of the marvellous tone of voice she had, someones tells that she speak like an angel, that her voice is to perfect for common ears, and her real form is too gorgeous for common eyes... you friend are to lucky of stay well and get passed of she only with a burning mark in your soul.. y can see your soul, and I know about the mark you have... Celesty mark you deeply...” The paladin was impresed, an said “tell me where I can found she” the black wizard smiles malicious and say “why are you to stubborn?? Why you want see her again?? I recommend to stop the search for your sanity, trust me, meeting her again is not a good idea” The paladin responds “its none of your business why I want to see her again ok?? Dont ask me again about, Im not going to tell you anything, just tell me how and where I can found she” The wizard gets angry of the tone of voice of the paladin and said “well... you know?? Anyone has talked to me in the form you did, Im unpleased of your arrogancy, but it shows courage and I like it... im going to help you, we are going to found she” The paladin laught and said “why you think Im going to take you with me??” the black wizard responds “coz the unique form for see her again its with the help of a great magician and one with the mark in the soul like you... I was waiting for this day long time ago...” the paladin was curious about the interest of the wizard and ask “why you was waiting for this to happen?? Why are you interested in she??” again the wizard smile and respond “Im not interested in she, the place where she resides is one of the most powerfull flow of energy, the power of moon can be acquired with a single droop of the liquid of the aquil lake, and that lake is in the place where she is... thats why Im interested in” the paladin think about and decides to take along the wizard but with the intention of only use he, he know the consecuences of let him acquire the power of moon, and the plan was to stop he before he take water of the aquil lake “you won, we are going to travel together but first tell me how we are going to found she” The wizard told “the form is with a summoning spell, we have to move to the wisdom dragon valley and when the night have full moon cast the summon, here is when you enter, the energy of the mark you have is the key for open the place” they moved to the mentioned place, is not easy to go across the valley, but they made it well, along the way the paladin saves the wizard a lot... and one time he said the wizard “come on wizard show me power, I cant save you all the time” and in the center, the night was perfect, the wizard start the cast... incredible power was spelled in this night and infront of the amazed eyes of the paladin and the wizard, the Mt. Aanator appeared, a mountain made only of moon light, this mountain was one of the most telled myths in all Ivalis, and now they were infront of it, the paladin said “this is Mt, Aanator... I think it only was a myth, and I never imagine that here resides Celesty...” the wizard said “come one paladin, open the gate with your “key” ” the paladin gets near the entrance, and a blue light Came of the paladin, and the gate was open... here in the entrance someone was waiting for they... the white being appears!! Better saied the goddess Celesty... And with the most sweet voice ever heared said “you... why you take he to this sacred place...?? I give you paladin the key, but never imagine that you are going to take here this black wizard who only wants power... Im sad... I think you was different of all...” then the paladin undestand that was a mistake request help of the black wizard... the paladin turns arround facing the wizard and said “get out of here wizard or you will die...” the wizard laught and respond “you, you stupid paladin, you think you can stop me now?? Im here and Im not going to step back until I acquire the moon power!!” the paladin cast a force aura and prepared to attack, and then the wizard active the walled spell that cast in the paladin before, a black sphere of energy involve the paladin get unable to move... paladin: “what the heck?? Why my protection aura didnt work?? Why did you do evil wizard!!?” wizard: “you stupid, you didnt sense when I put a spell in you, back there in the grimore valley didnt you?? Now is time to kill you and I can have all the power of moon, and like a bonus Im going to imprisioned she like a trophy! All the power and the most preciated treasure of moon is mine! hey! Paladin tell me how you feel now?? Tell me what you feel when all your stupid pride are crushing into pieces?? Hahahahaha someone tells that is to difficult to defeat a paladin, or Im to powerfull, or you are the most weak of all hahahaha you warrior are useless... you are pitiful” –less things can hurt the soul of a paladin, touch their pride and they are defeated, they dont know the word “lose” dont like ever lose anyhting... our warrior is devasted, humillated and deeply hurted- the black wizard start the cast of one of the most dangerous spells, the Black wind... the paladin stills in the energy spehere defetaed fearing for second time in his entire live, and the wizard finished the cast of Black wind, a ball of emptiness energy comes directly to the paladin and hit he hard... destroying he... little remains... the armor in pieces, and in the end the energy consumes sharttering all around it, and the last image that the paladin saw was the real face of Celesty, and a tear along her face... a celestial cry... maybe it could help in some way... maybe he is not die yet...